Friday, March 5, 2010

Keep Vigilant!!

Apparently not even a republican winning an election in Massachusetts is enough to wake up the powers that are. Obama et al are still trying to ram this ridiculous bill down our throats! We need to keep taking action - keep calling our senators! Email and/or call Rep. Holden again, and remind him that he all but promised us NOT to vote for this health care bill! I know I became a little apathetic for a while, thinking that with Scott Brown's election things were going to stop. Well, that was unfortunately very naive of me, so let's not fall in the trap. Make sure our senators and congressmen know what we think of this bill!

Has anyone heard about any rallies or protests or anything going on in our area or in DC anytime soon? If you do, please let us know and put it on the blog so we can all help out with attendance. We cannot let this atrocity become law, no matter how many backroom deals are made!!

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