Friday, November 20, 2009

Time to Call!!

Tomorrow (Saturday) is a big day - the Senate will be voting about bringing Harry Reid's bill to the floor ahead of all the other bills they're dealing with. His plot is to ram his bill through the Senate just like Pelosi did with her bill. His bill is a little over 2,000 pages, has a monthly abortion tax, and will force everyone in the country to get health care or else... Please, please call your senators and tell them to vote no!!

Find out more about what Reid's trying to pull at Hotair and click here for a list of phone numbers for senators. If you have family in other parts of the country, please remind them to vote as well!!


Ray and Nancy said...

Thanks for posting. I can't believe what they are trying to rush through!

camie said...

One of the reasons the AMA and ASA supports the bill is so they will have negotiating power. If they didn't vote for it, doctors voices and groups that support them like AMA wouldn't have a voice AT ALL. Apparently Obama made a comment that basically said you're either on board or left behind. That's why it's so important for doctors to make phone calls. Paul sends emails to congress directly from the AMA website so he is able to give his opinion as a doctor then continues to make contact in other ways. If you are a doctor, please take advantage of the open door and make calls so your voice is heard.